Happy Birthday, DoD!

Today, March 5, 2019, is my father’s 90th birthday!

What do you give someone who has everything he needs and most of what he wants?  He has enough books and pens and pads of paper and sweatshirts and baseball caps and electronic gadgets and CDs and hedgehogs and Mickey Mouse memorabilia.  There’s no room on his walls for more pictures and posters.  He’s not into cruises or trans-Atlantic flights, although he and my mom will shortly set out to Nebraska to see the sandhill cranes.

My dad, or DoD as I like to call him (short for Dear old Dad), is amazing.  He still drives, goes to the fitness center three times a week, and has mastered WhatsApp and Skype, complete with emojis.  He even orders his coffee online from Vienna!  Every day he reads Latin, Greek German, the Bible and probably something by C.M. Russell or Willa Cather.  He works on projects for the sheer joy of the exercise, and sometimes they even get published. On any given day, you can find him sitting in his easy chair, watching television, while simultaneously listening to a ballgame on the radio, reading or doing a crossword puzzle – in pen!

As a college professor, it was my father’s job to teach young people not only about German literature, but also the universal truths and insights into the human condition that stories provide. “That’s why I made the big bucks,” he is fond of saying.  But it wasn’t only book learning that he passed on to his students. He stood before them as a positive influence, a role model, if you will. And as his only daughter, his only child, I learned these lessons firsthand.

And so, the essays here are dedicated to my DoD, who taught me to be honest, to be fair, to be generous, and to believe in myself.  To love books, nature, German, classics. How to drive, how to tell right from wrong, how to deal with difficult people. But the most important lesson of all, one which he reminds me of on a weekly basis, is this: always keep your dobber up!


13 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, DoD!

  1. Dear DoD (or Joey’s dad about whom I’ve heard so many nice stories),

    Although we haven’t met (but as current and former Dachshund owners we’d have a lot to talk about…) I’d like to send kind regards across the Atlantic Ocean. Have a great time and enjoy your special birthday!

    Elke & Alma (wagging her tail and begging for Wiener schnitzel, of course)


  2. Alles Liebe zum 90en Geburtstag🍾🥂🎉
    Viel Gesundheit und Fröhlichkeit wünschen Dir Susanne &Judith aus der Steiermark🤗🙋‍♀️😙


    1. Dear Jim,

      von ganzen Herzen möchte ich Dir alles Gute zum 90er wünschen – viel lieber würde ich das persönlich, aber ich hoffe, das können wir in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft nachholen. Und ich möchte Dir danken – für Deine Gastfreundschaft, für die Anregung, mich wieder einmal mit Rosegger zu beschäftigen, vor allem aber für Deine wunderbare Tochter!

      Alles Liebe, Kurt


  3. Happy Birthday Jim! As you well know you are VERY special to our entire family. We have had so many laughs over the years and crazy adventures along the way. Enjoy your special day and here’s to many more special birthdays!
    Much love
    Rachel and Todd


  4. Happy birthday, Jim. You will have noticed that the university has (just barely) managed to limp along since you retired. We miss you. Also, you are welcome to come in and lead my survey of Greek Literature course. After the break, we’ll be spending several weeks on the romance “Daphnis and Chloe.”


  5. Jim,

    You have been an amazing father to my friend of 22 years. Thank you for putting in the work to become the man you are. God bless you for many more years to come!

    Katie Albers
    Columbia, Missouri


  6. I’m hoping that your birthday has been a joy-filled day. Your lovely daughter, my precious friend, is a testament to you and your life. Well done! Well lived! Congratulations on your special day. I’m so happy to have this picture of the two of you. Now when I am enjoying “The Iowa Nature Calendar” (a b-day gift to me) I can picture that wonderful smile. Happy birthday!


  7. Happy Birthday Jim
    It’s been too long since we were last together. Maybe this summer we can fix that. Enjoy the cranes.


  8. Happy birthday from Japan! Thanks for imparting your wisdom upon your daughter, so she could impart it upon me.


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